The Lego Store Vibe Winter 2021
Happy Wednesday, toynerds! Hope y’all had an amazing Thanksgiving!
Today we are going to look at what our local Lego Store looks like.
We always enjoy going to the Lego Store because of all the cool Lego sets that they put out for displays.
We think that is a very smart marketing strategy, because people get to see what the set would look like in real life, compared to looking at pictures on the box or on the Internet.
First up, we have the Lego Home Alone. This set has been sold out for a while now, since it was released in the fall. The details on this set are just amazing!

Of course we have the Lego Christmas sets on display.
There are lots of themes on display.
Don’t forget the Pick a Brick wall of course!

Check out some of the big Lego sets on display!
Lots of sets are in stock, which is good!
And lastly, the center display has some minifigures, smaller sets, and keychains.

There you have it, folks. We hope you are getting ready for Christmas with some Lego sets on the way! 😄