Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 – a Closer Look
Happy Friday, toyNerds! Hope you are ready for the weekend!
Today we will be looking at the upcoming Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17. We are super excited for this series! Let’s take a look. Credit: Mega Construx.
This series will come with 5 characters: Spartan Yoroi, Spartan Agyrna, The Weapon, Spartan Kovan, and Ik’Novus.
1. Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 Spartan Yoroi

2. Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 The Weapon

3. Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 Spartan Kovan

4. Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 Spartan Agryna

5. Mega Construx Halo Heroes Series 17 Ik’Novus

We can’t wait for this series to be released! All the characters look pretty cool!
What do you think? Which one is a must-have for you? Comment below!
Have a great weekend!