Mega Construx Halo Universe Series 2 Blind Bag Review and Codes (Rare Characters)
Happy Sunday, toyNerds! Hope everyone is doing well and staying warm (where we are, it is pretty chilly! Brrrrrr!)
A while back, we did a full review of Mega Construx Halo Universe Series 1 Blind Bag. Here is the link:
Today, we will be looking at Mega Construx Halo Universe Series 2 Blind Bag, RARE characters only (for now).

There are 6 characters for Series 2 (similar to Series 1) and here is the Mega Construx Halo Universe Series 2 Blind Bag Collector’s Guide:

This series has 1 Ultra Rare character, 2 Rare characters, and 3 Common characters.
Promethean Warrior
The code for this character is 214298TC.
What comes straight out of the bag:

What’s nice about Mega Halo blind bags nowadays is that you don’t have to build the characters from all the small pieces anymore. (Do you remember how hard it is sometimes to attach the armor pieces to the arms and legs?)

Promethean Warrior comes with a rifle and a backpack weapon that can be removed.

As always, these Mega Construx Halo figures are super highly detailed and has a lot of articulation points.

Spartan Warrior
The code for this character is 210299TC.
What comes straight out of the bag:

What do you guys think of this series? Any particular characters that you are looking for?
Here’s a fun shot of the 2 characters:

Happy hunting!